Tuesday, 31 January 2017

question 5

I have set up a groupchat on whatsapp, with many people who I would ask questions, and sent my work. And as a result they would leave comments on how I should improve and just what they enjoyed. This really helped me to shape my work and magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Attracting my audience wasn’t hard but not exactly easy as well. There was a lot of thought process and many things taken into consideration. Firstly, since my target audience was from the age beginning at 16 and basically people with similar traits as me. I had to think how I would be notified of this magazine. Firstly, one of the things which is quite important in this generation is actually phones and the use of internet. Social media and networking plays an important role, and I’d believe it would be an advantage to my magazine if I advertised it through either facebook, snapchat or Instagram as that’s where the highest chance of someone from my target audience, to view it. Furthermore, if I got some of the rappers featured in my magazine to showcase our magazine on those platforms, I’d believe it would attract my target audience. But it’s not all about advertising. Factors such as the colour schemes used in my front cover also did manage to appeal and attract the audience. The light colour in the background with the red and black, definitely stands out and definitely is appropriate for a hip hop and grime magazine and portrays that street look and feel, similarly to the XXL magazine, . In addition, the language used without a doubt made the audience quite comfortable and believe and feel like as if the magazine was purposely made for them moreover when they see articles on familiar rappers and artists and the language.
